When you see photos of my nephew, Shi Wei, you'll take his side, for sure! But I'm going to share this little story anyway.
My nephew is the cutest, cutest, cutest little prickly pear in the whole world. The first part is easily confirmed by checking out pictures of him. The second part relates to the fact that you really have to earn his affection. If you are not in his good books and you try to guide him with a gentle touch on his back, he will turn around, grab your offending hand and fling it away (did I capture enough of his disdain there? If not, just insert "disdainfully" before "fling"). But, if you have managed to ingratiate yourself with him by being at his beck and call and not squealing on him to his parents if he hits you, you've got it made! When it is time to put on his socks, he will come to you, sit in front of you and offer you the privilege of dressing his feet - I have to confirm that it completely sets the cockles of my heart ablaze.
By the last day of my stay in Perth, I had managed to inveigle my way to "Shi Wei's Best Friend"1 status. This was no mean feat it had to be wrested from my mum who had earnt and held on to that title with tonnes of tolerance and lots of dark chocolate. I know you are wondering who feeds children dark chocolate? But it's my sister's rules! Anyway, so Shi Wei asked me to accompany him to my father's home gym, which to my nephew is the equivalent of the Forbidden Forest - scary and dangerous and, therefore, lots of fun! I was a nervous wreck when he clambered on to the equipment since there were countless protusions (OK...11 to be exact) which I kept imagining him hurting himself on. When I tried to hold him to make myself feel happier about his safety, he batted away my hands and told me to "Go away!" Yeah! So much for "Best Friend" status.
While on the gym, he patted this, twisted that and then slipped slightly on something round and gave us both a heart attack. No more Auntie Nice Gal! I lifted him off the gym and Boy! Did he protest! He wriggled, he squirmed, he shouted "No!" and, in the kerfuffle, my spectacles got knocked askew. He then proceeded to raspberry me which covered my face in a fine mist of spi... threw me back to the summer days in London when you'd get soaked by really light rain yet never felt a drop of water hitting you. I deposited him next to his mother (hoping that it was the equivalent of handing over the baton of responsibility) and proceeded to observe the following exchange.
"I don't like Auntie Lin Mei!" declared Shi Wei to my sister. [LM thinks: "Best Friend" status to Shi Wei Enemy Number One in eight seconds] "I hit her glasses off," he said while pumping his little fist into the air, "and then I pppphhhhhrrrrrrtttffff all over her!" he finished triumphantly. My sister then asked him, "Shi Wei, did you want a timeout2?" [LM: Sweet schadenfreude! I'm such a bad auntie...]
The photos in this page were taken by Shi Wei's great photographer father. The page includes a sneak peek of the stamp set that we received during the 2008 Stampin' Up! Sydney regional seminar.Stampin' Supplies
Bashful Blue
Basic Black
Live Your Dream set
Sprinkles set
Bashful Blue CS
East Coast Prep DSP
Pumpkin Pie CS
Whisper White CS
Wild Wasabi Textured CS
1 3/8" Circle Punch
Anchored Rub-Ons
Jumbo Eyelets in Antique Brass
Mat Pack
Round Tab Punch
Stampin' Write Marker in Basic Black
Stampin' Write Marker in Tempting Turquoise
Striped Grosgrain Ribbon in Bashful Blue
Word Window Punch
1. Exclude his parents - they are way above "Best Friend" status.
2. Timeout - the only disciplinary action we subject Shi Wei to is being told to stay quiet for a minute.
Absolutely gorgeous page Lin Mei & very cute nephew - though I'd never be in his good books. I'm sure my nephew refers to me as Cranky Aunty Lan :-)
Thanks so much, Alana. I can't imagine you as a cranky auntie though!
Gorgeous layout! I'm soo in love with that set we got!! I think I need to go stamp...
A warm welcome to my blog, Zarna! It was lovely meeting you at the Sydney regional seminar :)
I love this! Such a great layout, gorgeous colours and great use of sets. Everything about it rocks! Kids are just so cute even if your the mortal enemy!
Hi Dani! Thanks very muchly and you're so right about them being cute in spite of everything including copping the odd chubby commando chop from them once in a while.
What a scream! Thanks for the laughs Lin Mei. LOLOLOL.
A warm welcome back, Angela! Glad you enjoyed the post... but it was rather long, hey?
Gorgeous layout Lin Mei! One day you'll both look back and laugh on the 'home gym incident'!! That is, one day and long way in the future!!! :D K
Hello Kari! You're right - the more stressful things are now, the funnier they will be with a bit of nostalgia ... a bit like a term deposit generating interest.
Hi Lin Mei, I can totally relate to that story as I have a little boy who is 2 1/2 going on 13 with attitude!! But they are so cute and funny, aren't they? I love the layout, and the pictures are great, they really show your nephew's personality well.
Thanks for the inspiration (again:) )to go and do some scrap pages.
Chris Parker-Barnes
Welcome to my blog, Chris! They sure are - they can be complete angels (like when they are unconscious) which makes up for everything :)
Lin Mei this is a gorgeous layout and your nephew is so cute! Love the sense of movement created with the placement of the photos too.
Thank you, Deanne! I think that he is too cute for our own good :)
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